Acupuncture is a safe, effective, natural and drug-free system of medicine
Acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West by traditional practitioners as well as GPs, nurses, midwives and physiotherapists (although western acupuncturists only train in very basic techniques).
What happens during an Acupuncture treatment?
You will be asked to remove or roll up clothing to provide access to the areas being treated. Normally, this does not involve you getting undressed unless bodywork is included in the treatment plan. Between 5 to 15 points are selected, based on the diagnosis made and the needles are left in for 10-30 minutes while you relax. You may be asked to turn over so points on the front and back can be stimulated in the same treatment. Cupping and Moxibustion may also be used.
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is a microsystem of the body. The ear represents the whole body, turned upside down and there are around 200 points, each regulating a functional, anatomical or psychological aspect of the body: liver; heart; lumbar spine; hunger; adrenal and so on.
Research suggests that the auricular therapy stimulates the release of endorphins and hormones, making it useful in the treatment of pain, weight loss, addiction, insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety and panic attacks.
This involves a small number of inserted acupuncture needles being attached to a machine that sends a small electric current through them. The therapy is normally used to treat chronic muscle and tendon disorders and pain: frozen shoulder; tennis elbow; carpal tunnel; arthritis and back pain; tendonitis and calcification of tendons.
Trigger Point Acupuncture
Acupuncture is used to treat pain by inserting needles into trigger points on the body. Trigger points are places in the muscle where tissue is injured and compressed, trapping nerves and creating local and referred pain. These points are similar to Ashi (tender points) in Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture can help to calm the excitability of the nerves and reduce muscle tension. This technique is often combined with myofascial and neuromuscular bodywork and stretching.
Read more from the British Medical Acupuncture Association about trigger points and acupuncture: